Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lions: Rulers of Africa

Lions: The Rulers of Africa.
 Or, at least, they were, until people started to like their fur and kill them for it. There are only a few Asian lions left, about 250. Almost all the wild lions live in Africa. This a male lion, easy to spot because of his fluffy gold mane.
Lions live in groups called prides. At most, three males can live in a pride with about a dozen lionesses and their cubs.

Lionesses hunt for the pride while the male lions protect them. All of the lionesses in a pride are related. The female cubs will normally stay in the pride that raised them, while the males will wander in search of a pride to take over.
 The lion's fur allows them to blend into the grass so they can hunt easily. sweet!!!

 This lioness is probably picking up the scent of some prey and searching for the way to hunt it.

White lions are just like other lions apart from their fur. They have harder trouble with hunting, which makes them better hunters because they know how to hide their fur.

It looks like a wolf, but I promise it isn't, it's a white lioness.

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