Sunday, May 27, 2012

Snow Leopard

 Snow Leopards are secretive, private cats that live their lives in snow. They are rare, grayish-white beautiful big cats. They are not white, they are more of a beige color to help them blend into the mountainside better.
They live in Central Asia. They remain on the endangered species list, as their fur is very valuble. They are smaller than most big cats, ranging from 60 to 120 pounds. Their paws act as natural snowshoes and their muscular legs allow them to leap up to 50 feet. Their long tails help them balence. They have very thick fur that keeps their sensitive body warm. Snow leopards are very secritive, so we don't have a lot of infermation about them. Scientists are trying to learn new ways to learn about these awesome big cats. Because of their secretive lives and people killing them for their fur, we are losing these amazing cats. STOP KILLING THESE AMAZING CATS!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lions: Rulers of Africa

Lions: The Rulers of Africa.
 Or, at least, they were, until people started to like their fur and kill them for it. There are only a few Asian lions left, about 250. Almost all the wild lions live in Africa. This a male lion, easy to spot because of his fluffy gold mane.
Lions live in groups called prides. At most, three males can live in a pride with about a dozen lionesses and their cubs.

Lionesses hunt for the pride while the male lions protect them. All of the lionesses in a pride are related. The female cubs will normally stay in the pride that raised them, while the males will wander in search of a pride to take over.
 The lion's fur allows them to blend into the grass so they can hunt easily. sweet!!!

 This lioness is probably picking up the scent of some prey and searching for the way to hunt it.

White lions are just like other lions apart from their fur. They have harder trouble with hunting, which makes them better hunters because they know how to hide their fur.

It looks like a wolf, but I promise it isn't, it's a white lioness.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Tigers: The Ultimate Cat

Tigers: The Ultimate Cat

 The tiger is the largest of cats. They are feared for their immense strength and power. Yet Tigers have been mercilessly hunted down for their beautiful coats before laws were set down. It was two late, however, a few of the eleven subspecies of the Tiger, Panthera tigris tigris, were extinct. Tigers were also threatened by the destruction of their homes, forests and jungles and other places in which the magnificent cats live. Now tigers have only about 2,500 of their kind living in the wild. Tigers rarely attack humans, whatever people might think. Only tigers who are sick and unable to hunt fast prey or have no prey to catch attack humans for reasons apart from self-defense.
Tigers live 8-10 years in the wild. Their roar can be heard from two miles away. Bengal Tigers live in India. They are the most common type of tiger, though they are still endangered. They make up half of the population of tigers in the world. They grow from 240 pounds to 500 pounds. Tigers have no fear of water and will swim easily in it. All tigers live alone, apart from when a female tiger is having cubs and raising them. They roam huge territories that they scent mark to tell other tigers to stay out!
Tigers hunt deer, buffalo, wild pigs, and other large creatures by night. They will follow the prey for miles sometimes until they can get close enough, leap, and give the killing bite. Tigers can eat up to 60 pounds of meat in a night, though this is not common. They normally will eat less.
Mother tigers will give birth to 2-6 cubs and raise them without the male. The cubs cannot hunt until they are 18 months old. They stay with their mother until they are two or three years old, and then they will search for their own territory.
Tigers are by far the Ultimate Cat.

 This is a White Tiger.
 "Come ON, Mom, hurry up! I've got to show you this place that's SO AWESOME! It has these climbing things and then you can catch these big bugs.."
 "Do you think she's asleep?"
"I don't know, do you?"
"That's what I just asked YOU!"
"I can't see her eyes."
"Check her breathing."
"You check her breathing."
"You two will wake her up!"
"This is dumb."
"Hey, she's awake."
 Tigers have no fear of water. "Might as well just take a swim..."

 White Tiger cubs. Aren't they cute?
The magnificent White Tiger.

Leopards: Kings of Stealth

In this blog, I am not only going to post the goings of my guinea pigs (and cats, and dogs) but I will be posting my reports on animals. Yesterday I did a report on the leopard.

The leopard is a graceful and powerful big cat. They are closely related to the lion, tiger, and jaguar. Jaguars and leopards look very much alike. Yet they have differences. You will most likely never have two before you and not know which one is which for many reasons. A: if you do have both before you, you are probably at a zoo and they will have the two big cats apart, b: the jaguar lives in South America while the leopard lives in Africa. C: in the middle of the rosettes, jaguars have a spot while leopards do not. D: Jaguars are bulkier and stronger than the lean, graceful leopard.
Leopards and jaguars alike do not have spots. That is what the cheetah has, these big cats have rosettes. 
Leopards practically live in trees. They hunt in trees from time to time, they sleep in trees, keep their kills safe by hauling them up into trees, among other activities. The leopard's pelt is perfect for staying in their woodland home because of their dappled pelt. The spots look like only shadows against the bark of the tree, while their golden fur blends into the grass and the bark.
They are night predators, and hunt antelope, deer, and pigs. They also are strong swimmers and not afraid to get their paws wet. They also catch crab and fish.
Mother leopards can give birth to cubs regardless the time of the year. The cubs are fluffy and gray, with only a few faint spots dotting their pelt. They stay with their mother for their first two years of life and leave after that. Their mother teaches them how to survive in the wild.
There are no real panthers. Panthers are just leopards or jaguars that are black. If you look closely, you can see a faint pattern of spots dotting their fur. Some panthers' spots are easier to see than others. 
Leopards are excellent hunters and fighters. They learn how to cope with the world and in my opinion, they are an awesome cat.

This is a leopard, probably watching a kill and waiting for the time to strike.

 This is a clouded leopard.

 Leopards sleep in the trees they put their prey in to warn off other predators. 

This is a Snow Leopard, a rare kind of leopard that lives in the mountains. Scientists are finding new ways to help these secretive cats survive in the wild as people love their fur coats. 
There are LAWS against hunting them!